


Product Design


LOLA Mullenlowe




SEAT was planning to undergo a massive overhauling of their identity in preparation for the launch of a new design line for their vehicles. The project included the creation and implementation of a brand new digital ecosystem that could hold the company’s vast and complex marketing needs, along with all the information and tools that both end users, stakeholders, dealers and the corporation itself could need to interact with the brand and fulfil their needs in the years to come.

Digital Ecosystem

The digital ecosystem included a completely new Brand site, plus all the guidelines for implementation in all the markets that the brand got it’s presence in, a new Car Configurator,  a new Owner’s Portal, Dealers Portal and also a very innovative proposal: the first and unique SEAT Digital Museum.

Mobile Experience

The whole project was conceived with the users and their needs in mind, because of that, there was a special focus on the coherence and integrity of the experience in various devices, across the different digital platforms and the CRM of the brand with a great deal of personalisation  that could be set up for and by the end user.

Jack Daniels